Friday, August 22, 2014

Looking the Part, Chapter One

Route 16 south is moving slow and I'm both anxious and wary of the start of my seven hour drive home. The traffic inches along this main street as I revisit my latest purchase, a large, antique Kali figurine.  I own that mix of thrill and dread; thrill that I will have her in my home to use in my spiritual work, dread at the credit card bill that will need to be defended to my Buddhist spouse.  

I take in a breath as my eyes watch the pedestrians swarm this tourist village. Color and textures flock by. Shorts, skirts, sundresses, jeans, a bathing suit with a sarong, and a business suit pass with their various owners. Long hair, short hair and pink hair.  Flip flops, cowboy boots, high heels.  

I look down at my own capris, dusty from the waterfall hike. I wish I had on the patchwork maxi skirt that I had packed.  I take a quick look in the rear view mirror (ah vanity!) and smile at the necklace I had decided needed a good home on a different trip. I'm truly an easy mark for well made unique sterling jewelry, but this pendant had an additional appeal- it housed a spiral seashell. A spiral seashell!  How fitting for an earth goddess...

I turn away and then audibly sigh at seeing the capris again.  I will definitely change at the next rest area...

And then I am struck by a thought...
Do I really define myself so simply that a skirt and a pendant can make me whole?  

Does looking like a hippie goddess girl result in me being spiritual?

I know the answer is no, but damned if I don't stop at that sweet Native American shoppe and buy those silver feather earrings.

After all, a girl needs to look the part, doesn't she?


The Fragile Egg said...

It is so challenging and difficult to separate the need to just be for the desire to be who yourself and others (often unknown) want you to be. It is a daily on going practice of the present moment. In the end, the ego drive, the yearning to be that person, is a never ending path. The goal may be reached but only for a moment. By dropping the ego and the desire, we get to peace within and that is one that lasts forever. Now forgive me, I must go. I have a lot of practice to do....

Micha said...

Is it a matter of looking the part or feeling the part? We have items that make us feel a certain way, so wearing those items can connect us with that feeling. But then, the feeling is not actually in the item, but in the value/meaning we've placed on it. Sometimes it's a good jumpstart into that feeling - to wear a particular item. And it certainly communicates to others, whether it's what we intend to communicate or not. I don't think it's an absurd notion to wear what we want to project, or what we want to feel; but it's never necessary. Besides, I love your skirts and jewelery.

Bren said...

Micha and Pete, thank you for adding your thoughts.

It always rounds out the dialogue to have different views on my words. I greatly appreciate it.