that which is

Namaste Gentle Viewer...
welcome to my kitchen drawer....
the place I put stuff that does not fit into the regular organization of my life.  In this version, it is thoughts and words...but at home, HA! At home that one particular drawer is a black hole.  It has the usual stuff...pens, pencils, tape, a few rulers; but then there is the unusual.  A broken piece of something from somewhere   Ya never know...we might just find the broken something and need it.  Deposit tickets for an account long closed.  Keys to doors we can't recall, but again, we might just arrive somewhere and exclaim "Aha! that is what that key is for!". There is a little horse figurine that came in a box of tea.  A small Ganesha figure made out of resin. A saint Michael prayer card. Some of those 'free' address labels that are sent as a bribe for a donation. There is a CD opener (remember CD's, LOL) and an Exacto knife with no blade.  There are post it note pads with one sheet left. There is a flat head screw driver, a small phillips head one too, and an allen wrench from some IKEA type furniture project. A pair of tweezers that couldn't pull a splinter even if it was the size of a toothpick. A comb. Dried up glue sticks from my daughter's younger years. Crayons. A whistle (wow...just typing that reminded me of a story involving our German exchange student and a cat...sigh...for another time...) Pliers. Two types.  Lastly,a slew of earbuds with knotted cords.

So, are you starting to get the picture? The drawer represents disorganization. It represents life on the run.  The kitchen drawer is a memory chest of sorts...a place that I put stuff that seems important to me at that moment...just in case...just in case...

So, this blog will serve a similar role for me. I will tuck stuff here that seems a disorganized way. I will do my best to give it applicable labels but no promises.  I am disorganized to my core.  

I am an artist/jewelry designer.  
I have a website that showcases that side of me (in an organized way!) If interested, here are some links:

My artist portfolio site...
vivid musings of the unoccupied mind 

My Art on Society 6, for sale in various cool products like Iphone cases, pillows, etc...
Brenda Erickson on Society 6

My jewelry has moved from its own website to my Etsy Store...
Betula Blu

oh by the way...that picture in the upper corner is me.  I like this picture as I am smiling.  
Smiles are a gift we should give more to the world...

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