Hey! There you are. I finally found you. On my way to an appointment, late as usual, racing up a snow covered street and WHAM! There you are, the moon, large and bright in the lower sky over Randall's house. I'm actually not sure that is his name, as he and I have never met; but he looks like a Randall as he mows his lawn or trims his cherry tree. We wave. Our "intimacy".
So, yeah, back to you Mr. Wolf Moon, sir...
There you were, in vivid Moon glory and I thought you were waxing for a sec... but then I was sure your were waning. Either way, you were gibbous, pregnant and full of moon surface.
Then I wasn't sure you were the Wolf Moon at all and panic struck that I have strayed so far from my rites and rituals. I am unborn- a kind of 'born again' in reverse- something has pulled nature from me and I feel unfamiliar to its rhythms. I am the lost.
But not so fast, Mr. Wolf, don't write me off just yet. The fact that I noticed you at all must mean that I am not beyond redemption. So, how about a date, later, after dark? when the neighbor children are asleep? Let's say 10 ish? I'll meet you where I have always, in my best birthday dress. You and I can stare at each other a bit and then perhaps I might coax you to envelope me, caress my darkness with your light? Just a little flirt to remind us that we both still exist...
a kiss of light to re-awake my soul.
Good one, Bren! Very nice!
Love it! Keep that relationship alive and well. I feel it's good of the both of you.
Thank you! This post felt 'right'. Getting my groove back.
Thanks Pete! It will be good for atleast me...not sure the moon cares.
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