Thursday, January 23, 2014

Coy Boy: the late rising Wolf Moon

So, you think you can stand me up?
I was there at 10.  I was freezing, I might add.
Do you really think you can treat me this way, Mr. Wolf Moon?

What was that? I stood you up all month?
You expect something more in effort...say meeting you when you are actually rising?

Well, perhaps you make a valid point.  What time would that be exactly?

Are you freaking kidding me?  You are rising at 12:36 am?  

Uh Uh.  No. I'm not doing it. I'm not getting up at 3:30 am so I can see your shiny moon ass rise over my neighbor's house. Nope. Nope. Nope.

What?  I can see you at 6:30 am or 7:30 am?

Oh. I can do that.  You mean I can see you while I drink some morning coffee?  

Well yes, I agree. Just because it is daylight doesn't mean you aren't as beautiful.

So, we've made up then?  Aw. really? the next full moon is Valentine's Day?  How sweet!!  

I'll save a candy heart for you "Call Me" or better yet, "Let's Kiss".  
I so very much need your kiss.

1 comment:

The Fragile Egg said...

How awesomely romantic! While he may be playing hard to get this month, he'll reward your effort big time!