Saturday, March 1, 2014

New Ways in a New Moon; the Worm Moon

The Worm Moon?  Farmers Almanac must be joking.  We still have feet of snow and more is coming tomorrow...

But hey, a title implies a general truth; not a weather guarantee, so I will remain hopeful.

In Sedona, a few weeks ago, I stumbled onto a website and a moon practice that resonated strongly for me.  I'll paraphrase here, but visit the site when you can.  It is practical and interesting.

The author called it "Connect with your inner goddess: Flow with the moon phases"
It is a cycle for initiating progress.

Goes something like this:
New Moon: jot down what you wish to work on or make progress in. SET GOALS.
Waxing moon:  use the growing light to work hard on the issue
Full Moon:  celebrate accomplishment, or understand the obstacles
Waning Moon: set your house in order for next cycle, clear obstacles as able.
New Moon: start again.  Same goal or new goal.  There is no failure, only progress; however slow.

I am working on a design for a sort of 'Moon Diary Page' template.  When I have it done, it will be offered here and on S6 as a free post.  If it assists, please use at will.

Here is the site I mentioned:

Happy New Moon!

1 comment:

The Fragile Egg said...

Hi! I love the idea and intention, especially the comment "there is no failure, only progress". So true! Thanks.