By all appearances, I am a productive adult. But I've got a secret. An old secret.
Deep down, I am just a wounded child looking for a friend to play hopscotch with.
I bite my lip and watch from the sidelines as children who don't look much different from me but somehow are "different" play and laugh together. I want to join them but my inner child is so very cautious, so very careful to not show any emotion that I have constructed a calculated facade. I'm both protected and trapped by my clever ruse to fool people into thinking I'm indifferent. From pain felt ages ago, I developed a dispassionate mask.
Yet, look behind the curtain, and there is a small girl, a very passionate and creative girl, trying hard not to cry because she can't figure out why she is not the right kind of girl. She's not the girl that gets included. She's not the girl who gets invited to parties. She's not the girl who gets to play hopscotch. And even if she was invited to, she might defer because no one has taught her how. Another chance to get laughed at. Another opportunity for others to see how she is not the right kind of "different".
But you feel it too, right? This isn't simply the story of my childhood. It is the story of all of us. We are adults hiding our wounded inner children. The wounds come in many sizes and colors.
Not smart enough.
Not pretty enough.
Not thin enough.
Not athletic enough.
Not strong enough.
Not bold enough.
Not good enough. Yes, so very very not good enough...
But we are good enough. Each of us is unique and capable of great things, beautiful things- but it takes dropping the mask, showing our inner need to connect, laugh and play. It requires giving the inner child a hug and telling her/him that TODAY is different. TODAY we can play hopscotch. TODAY we are good enough. All we need to do is smile and politely join in.
Imagine a world where everyone is included. Imagine a world where everyone believes in their talents. Imagine a world where we don't spend the lion share of our energy hiding and shielding. How stunningly brilliant would that be??
I've found a good sized stone and you've got some chalk...
Will you play hopscotch with me?
1 comment:
Who can understand the societal dance? Very odd, but not without reason I suppose. But you're right; each of is unique and beautiful. We're all part of the woven fabric of life. All of us.
The clever ruse?? Persuasion through his thoughts peruse?
And yes, I'd love to play hopscotch with you.. Be well!
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