Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Monk walks into a Starbucks...

Lazy defines you.  You know it is true; yet the man you share this journey with claims that to be rubbish.  But you know better. You know your heart.  You know that when you ask him if he'd like more wine, what you are really hoping for is for him to offer to get it. Lazy.

You know how to work, and do so when necessary. You don't complain, but you avoid it when there is a choice.  Well, that is all true except when it comes to your artwork.  There you strive, and falter, perfect, and over manipulate. There you do your penance.  There you persist until it takes form.  It really is ART WORK.  Not ART accident or ART almost what you wanted.  No. Here you are a perfectionist.

But back to being lazy...
You surprise yourself by going out to Starbucks for you and him while he sleeps.  This surprises you on many levels.
1.  You are up before him.
2.  You aren't worried about your funky bedhead hair.
3.  You aren't worried about driving the rental car.
4.  You are UP before HIM.

You drive a bit sleepy-eyed the whole quarter of a mile that Starbucks is from the room.  You berate yourself for not walking, but are doing this at all.  You feel some sense of selflessness.  He will be pleasantly surprised and this pleases you.  Perhaps you aren't selfless at all.  Just not lazy.  Just this once. Not lazy.  You smile.

But then you enter the Starbucks and the female Monk from the Stupa is there buying coffee.  You look down, avoid eye contact.  You feel a desire to thank her for yesterday balanced with a need to turn and run.  You briefly wonder what she is doing there.  You feel she shouldn't drink coffee, least of all Starbucks.  She should be purer than you. Better than you.  After all, she has spiritual meat.  Not just bones.  She should be something....MORE...

But she is just human.  Well, just human, but also, not lazy.

But you aren't lazy this morning either.  You nod to her on your way out.

1 comment:

The Fragile Egg said...

Good morning! For sure, you're not lazy. I think what I do is work to get ahead of things. Get them before they get me perhaps? Or living life as the early bird getting the worm while it wriggles in the dew? Not sure but I do know you are not lazy. Perhaps I should give you more opportunities so you can also know that. Or not. Triple shot venti mocha, coming up!