Monday, January 25, 2016

I keep focusing on my left ear; Full Wolf Moon

I keep focusing on my left ear...  

This thought has been tumbling around in my skull like my husband's jeans in the dryer.  

Thump. Thump. Thump. 

The thought just keeps landing and spinning and landing and spinning and (yes, you guessed it) landing again.  

Thump. Thump. Thump.

It all began when I skimmed through Brandon Stanton's "Humans of New York Stories".  The work is a journal of sorts with photographs of humans and a quote of what they spoke to the author.  This particular quote accompanied a photo of a young girl.

    "For the longest time I was focused on being deaf in my left ear that I almost forgot my other ear was perfectly fine."

And that is what I've been doing too; focusing on what is not working for me instead of what is. Instead of taking stock of how everything is fine. Better than fine.  Perfectly fine.

Thump. Thump. Thump.  

I have been agitating against situations that are as foolish as don quixote fighting the windmill.  I have been wasting energy on why certain things just aren't coming together as expected.  I have been lamenting some health issues.  I have been wondering why I can't achieve what seems in reach. I have been focused on my left ear.

But not today- 

Today I remembered that my right ear is functioning perfectly fine.